Here is my contents page without my subscription advertisemnet as you can see i have layered out the rest of the content so that this aspect of my contents page would fit nicely and would not take up too much of the space.
Below is my contents page without my images that i have used, this shows that i have layered out my contents page prior to putting the images in. I did this because it would allow me to see if the layour would fit and if the images would be the sizes i wanted them to be.
This next screen grab shows that i have also placed the summary text of each image below the image, this allows me to see what size thi stext should be. I feel that it has helped me choose the individual size of each image and location on the contents page.
This screen grab shows i have precisely lined up each section of my contents page and it also identifys which section i find significant to a magazine for example my 'features' section is largest as these are the articles that would attract the target audience. I have also made sure that it is well structured and even.
This last screen grab shows the beginning of my process through the prodiction of my contents page. It identifys the size of the title and includes the mast head of my magazine. This title also identifys how often the product would be available.
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